I have really give a lot of thinking before starting this blog. Many would not have experienced with what i am expressing in this blog but whatever happens life must go on.
I used to think often about my missing life and as i recently developed the habit of expressing myself in this internet and blogging, the thought occured to me when i am writing about many things in the blog why not about my missing life.
A year back I was not like how i am today, the reason being i was staying with my friends. I do not know what others feel but i have this strong feeling that when you are with your with your friends then you will even feel the hell as heaven. I used to enjoy my time when i am with my friends and it so happened that the job i was doing was more enjoying to me so my life after college was full of happiness in both the work place and home.
we all know changes are constant in this world and i am no exception to it. It so happened that my joyous life after college came to an end, It all started when one of my friend went to foreign for pursuing his higher studies, then two of my friends got married and left our batch and two others went to foreign country as part of their work.
One used to say that a person may not know time when he is around his friends and the same was true in my case, i was with my friends for 4 years and within the fifth year everything changed and at the end of 5th year i was alone devoid of my college friends though we meet occationally i was desperately missing those beautiful days which i spent with my friends and my whole world around me changing in front of my eyes and i didnt like it. But couldnt do anything other than sitting simply and watching as always what ever happens life must move on.
I couldnt stay there any longer so i switched the job and moved back to my native. Hoping some change of environment might prove useful to my situation. But I didnt realise that by moving back i quitted the job which i liked and now here i am back at my native after 10 years completely like stranger to this place with new job and new environment and it needs more time for me to get used to all these new environments.
It has always been said that a friend in need is a friend in deed but my instinct says that getting one friend life long will make your life more happier and no matter what i miss the happiest moments of my life.
As always whatever happens life must move on
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