This topic which i am about to blog today is something special and i believe at some point of time everyone might have felt that their interest lies elsewhere, some might even feel it while reading this blog :) yet, I continue this blog hoping that it might be of intereset to someone like me.
I thought of blogging about this topic long time back but in poetic form, and it so happened that i am not good in poetic presentation and my interests were elsewhere, so after quite a long time i am revisiting this topic in the form of essay.
Most of the time in my life the work i do were not of my interest say for eg., I wanted to play during my school days but, i studied giving less importance to playing. I studied, studied and studied till i get into college and all of sudden i felt the change in course of my life. I started to learn many things some with my knowledge and some without. At that young age, devoid of wisdom I believed in all that were told to me, never realizing the consequences of that belief.
I started working after my college but my interests were still at the college life and the enjoyment i am about to miss, not knowing the new lessons awaiting for me in this corporate world. Worked I to my ability putting all my effort and knowledge only to end up knowing the lies that were told to me when i was young. I hated knowing the truth but it haunted me and the more i learnt the more i suffered. Knowing truth increases your knowledge and you gain wisdom but, you will loose your innocense and you will no longer be yourself.
My interests were not the truth I learnt, not the work I do but I always end up in doing those. Time kept on moving yet, I havent found what my interests are and every single thing i come across, my heart kept on saying "my interest lies elsewhere". The quest continues hoping that one day my heart will say "my interest lies here".
For those who wish to know my presentation in peotic form, a small snippet
"When I started school, to study
My Interest was elsewhere
As days and months passby
studies became my interest
As young, eager to learn
knows not good or bad, learnt I
devoid of wisdom, believed I
whatever was told to me ........."
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