Everyone, I have been thinking a lot before writing this blog. There are lot of queries in this topic i am about to talk and lot of controversies too. After a long moment of thinking here i am with my views on this quite controversial topic. Before proceeding any further i would like to get yourself introduced to the topic, As the topic says "Anveshana" which according to me is the search of your life or the quest of your life. The word anveshana means the same( Search of life) in telugu as i know.
Now before I move to search of my life there is something that i would like to say about this topic the search of life, I believe that every human being searches for something in their life some by knowing what they are searching for and some without knowing and some do not even know that they are searching but everybody in our life do search for something. I havent seen many people searching and i havent analysed or surveyed anyone but i do feel that any person whatever he may do and who ever he may be, he would be searching for something in his life.
The search can lead you anywhere and it can be in any area as well, for some it might be in music and for some it might be in cooking and for some it might be in cheating others and it might also be some weird activities for some but they do search for it and by gods grace some achieves what they search for and some dont but the searching doesnt stop. My belief here is that the soution to your search is the sole purpose of your birth. The answer to this search might get you eternal bliss
Anveshana creats the passion in you to achieve the one thing that you do care about, The one thing that you will be willing to sacrifice all the things you own and the one thing with which they would be satisfied completely. if one achieves their anveshana then it is meant that their purpose in this earth has been fulfilled and it is rare that such a person has their re-birth sooner.
From the moment i started believing anveshana, I have been searching my life and never ever got an satisfiable answer which means that something which i so desperately needed is not know to me yet but my quest didnt stop i may not know what i am searching for but i do know that i am searching for something that would get me to a satisfaction and will make me the complete one of myselt. To know about one's anveshana he must be true to himself. As I believe any person in this world cannot cheat himself. A person can do any brutal act and pretend in front of law that he didnt perform one but, he internally knows that he has did it and many people fake about this felling and fail to accept the truth but, deep down their heart they know whether their act is agreeable or toleratable and whenever you feel that you are satisfied with the acts that you actually intented and succed in following the same then you might be of sure that you have achieved your anveshana.
The feel of complete satisfaction which is very rare to me to achieve yet all the people journey towards the same, their quest continues until they attain their anveshana
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